Saturday, September 15, 2007


I never know how to start one of these things so I guess I'll start off by saying Hey! But I do have to admit, I have tried starting a blog before I never got around to posting because I never knew how to start. So, what better time than now to start this blog up again now that it's a requirement for Intro to Media Tools.

Intro to Media Tools seems like it'll be an awesome class and I'm not just saying that to try and get extra bonus marks or whatnot (sorry, that was my attempt at a joke). But this is a course that is totally different from the courses I usually take - the courses with an insane amount of essay writing and long readings. It'll be a good change of pace and something new to try.

I'm sure I'll be blogging some more in the very near future...This is one more thing I can do to procrastinate when I'm trying to write a long essay or skim through dull readings.

Guilty Pleasures:
I've recently discovered the great cheesiness that is Baywatch. My roommate and I had a Baywatch marathon and finished watching season 3 on DVD recently. And now I'm sort of embarrassed to admit I'm going through some Baywatch withdrawal. But I think some youtube action of David Hasselhoff will tie me over until we can get our hands on the next season of here it is...I hope you enjoy this diddy from the "Hoff" himself.

Have a good one.

Assignment two will be up soon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh Gina, that video made me laugh until I cried! Thank you.